Thursday, January 27, 2011

7 years ago today

My son turned 7 today. Wow. Where on earth did the time go?? Seven years ago today, I was hitting the 18 hr mark in my labor, when the doctor came in and said "Well, he has a giant head, and he's stuck. We can cut you open now, or we can let you push for another 2 hrs and then cut you open..." So much for my planned natural birth! Even so, we got the grand prize, and it has been a beautiful, joyful ride.

The birth of my children actually led to the work I'm doing today! Prior to motherhood, I was an artist - a painter and print maker featured in Seattle's top galleries. Well, Xander's arrival brought that to a screeching halt - too toxic! Three years later, I was ready to go back to it. Chris and I had tried to get pregnant a second time with no luck, and at 39 years old, menopause had started (yikes!!). Well, that was my cue to go back on birth control and hit the studio! I spent a bunch of money upgrading my studio's power so I could have lights AND heat at the same time, and had purchased cork tiles for the floor. The day the cork tiles came, I uncrated them and got sick from the fumes - turns out I was pregnant again!

With Miranda's birth came a mix of elation and depression. I loved my children, and was delighted to have a beautiful, healthy baby girl, but oh, I missed my art terribly! And then came the bolt from the heavens, in the form of Renee!

Renee showed me some darling tote bags she had made, and I was smitten. I eventually asked if I could help her start a business, and Boodlebags was born. To have a safe, non-toxic creative outlet saved my life! I felt like myself again, and I've been enjoying the ride ever since.

I should note here that my husband has been so amazingly supportive of me in all my endeavors, and I could not have done any of this without him! His faith in me has never wavered (at least, not that he would admit), and he has been my biggest cheerleader and helper. All wives should be so lucky!!! And as the father of my children, I can say that all children should be so lucky to have such a loving and devoted Daddy!

For the beautiful souls who have changed my life in such amazing ways, I am truly thankful.

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